August 18, 2003

From: "Mitchell"
To: "Abbey"
Subject: Re: la litterature, elle est une bete
Date: Monday, August 18, 2003 9:36 PM

sorry, my russian is more rusty than i thought.  i don't know what you
wrote.  michel sounds like quite a catch though, from what i deciphered.

here is mitchell:
today i enjoyed the sun.  today i enjoyed playing my guitar.  today i
enjoyed drawing a picture entitled "the canadian gothic" which features my
dear granDma and granDpa (though i screwed up on grandMa's eyes and made her
look like an alien) striking a humiliated pose infront of their house, while
granDpa holds a pitchfork.  the idea is lovely.  really.  today i downloaded
some music and made some cd's (i downloaded the new weakerthans album
[though it won't be released for another week.  technology, wow].  it's very
mature sounding.  more complete than their previous efforts).  today david
came over and i got a little drunk.  then i tried to do some editing for my
spiritual advisor, but found that i was a little too intoxicated.  today was
a mediocre-to-decent day.
i would like to go see a movie with a girl i know.  her name is Abbey and i
think she's lovely.  it's a british film about immigrants.  i hope she'd
like to see it.
i'm going to go die now.


~if you desire peace of soul and happiness, then believe; if you would be a
disciple of truth, then inquire.~

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