October 31, 2003


so here's the deal.  it really drives me bananas when people won't tell me
things that: A) have nothing to do with me and b) are none of my business. 
i really can't explain it.  it has always been this way.  one time, i knew
someone whose nickname was "douglas street".  i knew what and where douglas
street was (the main road in victoria), but i didn't understand the
nickname.  i nearly went crazy because every so often, it would pop up in
conversation or whatever, but would not lead me to any conclusions.  it
really frustrated me.  it still does.  that's why i got so worked up today. 
you know what?  deep down, i really don't even want to know your story
because i know it will probably make me feel a little uncomfortable and may
cause my stomach pain (much like i KNOW (emphasis) that the story behind
douglas street certainly wasn't a pretty one), still i like to know these
things.  its inexplicable.  anyways, please ignore (as i am sure you do) my
i undamn you.

your friend,

shelbourne avenue

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