November 09, 2003

6:59 pm – mystery solved

after two years, i have have finally learned the story behind "douglas
street".  it was pretty much what i suspected: promiscuity on a public
...i'm actually not as excited as i thought i'd be.

hey, you wanna you why i was pouting when you left? well, i knew i'd be
going home and my parents wouldn't be eating dinner with me.  sometimes i
dread being lonely.   sigh.

thanks for the nice morning/afternoon.  you're a good egg.


koba the dread

11:58 pm

 how darest you insult my beard growing capabilities!?!  i am forever hurt. 
this is where i'd insert a rude comment about your hair (whether it be above
or below the beltline) if i were cruel.  but i am not.  instead, i'll let
you contemplate what i may have said and, this way, i will have deniability
("i didn't say that, Abbey.  that's just what you think i was going to say.").

yes, they were glad that i "venir'd" tonight at travis's.

no, i wasn't worried about being lonely.  "worry" implies uncertainty.  i
knew that i was going to be lonely (hence, travis's).  do you know why i've
never made fun of you for not living in your own appartment?  because i know
how lonely it is to live on one's own.  it really sucks to come home to an
empty house every night (i'm going to die of lonliness and boredom when my
parents move away).  i wasn't offended you didn't invite me in - my whining
was only an attempt to delay the inevitable.

admittedly, its been a very long time since i last tried to learn the story
of douglas street.  my previous efforts had all been thwarted.  tonight, i
popped the question, then, when denied, i proceeded to repeat it every five
minutes.  after about half an hour, the secret, not worth the mental anguish
of my determination, was revealed (yes, it was really that easy).  that's
how i won the day.  i like it when i have my way.

sleep well,


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