August 25, 2003

Subject: Re: the ghastly figure
Date: Monday, August 25, 2003 1:56 PM

i know you said, "don't email," but i can't help myself.
just letting you know that i'm working for a short while today, then you're
officially invited over.  my mommy works from 10:00 - 3:00, so that should
give us plenty of time to play scrabble.

~if you desire peace of soul and happiness, then believe; if you would be a
disciple of truth, then inquire.~


Subject: on why i am mad at you
Date: Monday, August 25, 2003 7:28 PM

dear Abbey,

when i got home, i decided to have a nap.  just a short nap, nothing too
long.  immediately, i was in a deep dream that seemed so vivid and clear.
the dream consisted of a short conversation between you and me, in which you
tried (unsuccessfully) to persuade me to go to lunch on thursday with you
and rachelle ("but mitchell, i really want you to meet her").  you were very
persistant.  it made me very mad.  i woke up flustered.  for the next two
and a half hours, i kept falling asleep and waking up again, hoping to have
another dream where you redeemed yourself.  i didn't because you didn't
(follow?).  when the marathon nap was over, i found that i was wearing only
one sock (the other...? it must have been lost in the struggle).  why do you
make me sooooo mad?  surely you do this on purpose - it's just like you.
please know this: i will never go to lunch with you and rachelle, especially
after this little shenanigan (i've never written this word before.  is this
how it's spelled?).

until you apologize for being a stupid hypocrit, i do not want to see you.

~if you desire peace of soul and happiness, then believe; if you would be a
disciple of truth, then inquire.~


Subject: Re:
Date: Monday, August 25, 2003 10:59 PM

yes i received this email.  i'm still waiting for an apology, jerk.

send my regards to the queen,

~if you desire peace of soul and happiness, then believe; if you would be a
disciple of truth, then inquire.~

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