July 08, 2003

From: "Mtchell"
To: "Abbey"
Subject: a story
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 05:01:26 +0000

the elusive kiss: there once was a boy named mitchell. he liked to kiss a
girl named Abbey. they would kiss in private places (spatial geographic
locations, not 'those' kind of private places) and they would kiss in public
places (but not too public). one day Abbey drove mitchell home and when they
arrived to his house, he decided he would try an experiment. he wanted to
determine whether Abbey would kiss him in a place where there was potential
that his mother (a very, very nice lady) may be able to see them. oh boy,
mitchell sure wanted to put Abbey on the hot seat. Abbey was quick with her guns
though, and immediately read mitchell like a book (she even wrote in the
margins, despite his pleas). when mitchell leaned in for the kiss, Abbey
quickly pulled away and gave mitchell her
what-the-hell-do-you-think-you're-doing look. satisfied that his experiment
turned out how he expected, mitchell went skipping up his driveway (not
really) to his house. as it was, his mother was not watching in the window,
but rather, was cooking dinner. the postscript: annoyed with mitchell's
antics, Abbey decided that she'd had enough and decided never to talk to
mitchell again, instead joining a convent. mitchell, disappointed with his
falling through with Abbey, decided to take up a life of crime. he was
responsible for a string of robberies through the great lakes region and
down into the mid-west united states. wanted by authorities in two
provinces and eight states, mitchell claimed refugee status in cuba where he
contracted malaria from a mosquito in the oriente region. he died alone.
no one attended his funeral.

today while in class i imagined what my prof would look like if he had some
of your features. i gave him your hair, eyebrows, ears, and mouth. it was
very hideous. i had to make myself stop the game because it was disturbing
me. alas, i was given comic relief when the pregnant lady started talking
about how it is human nature to want to know one's history (blah blah blah).
i sighed out loud. i'm trying to figure out how long it will take her to
realize that i think she is a goof. she probably laughs about the tall
skinny kid who sighs at her and sits through class wearing a grin without
saying a word (i have my role in class completely down pat - i never speak.
i figure 'tis better to be thought a fool, then to open one's mouth and
remove all doubt. besides, i don't want to participate in their rich
discussion. even if i have something to say, i resist the urge to blurt it
out. instead i imagine saying it to them in my head and the horrified looks
that come across their faces).

i finally received my books/cd from g7 welcoming committee (they also sent
me a pamphlet promoting veganism. you should look at it. the pictures are
nasty [actually, thats a good reason not to examine it]). i don't even know
why i bought the chomsky book. i know exactly what he's going to say (after
reading a few of his books, a definite pattern emerges). still, it
entertains me. he is quite brilliant, if repetitive. i like it best when
he talks about anarchism, just because i understand that the popular
conception of anarchists is mean dudes that throw bombs, and not a 65-year
old scholar. i also appreciate his cynicism. ahhh.... chomsky....
my friend ernie emailed from south korea. i was excited until i realized it
was a stupid forward about winnipeg. bastard.

well, i'm tired. goodnight moon, goodnight stars.

~if you desire peace of soul and happiness, then believe; if you would be a
disciple of truth, then inquire.~


From: "Mitchell"
To: "Abbey"
Subject: just a brief note
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 17:28:02 +0000

i have an 'appointment' at 1:00pm. then i'll stop by to see you. ok?
maybe i can help you.

~if you desire peace of soul and happiness, then believe; if you would be a
disciple of truth, then inquire.~

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