August 24, 2003

Subject: the ghostly figure
Date: Sunday, August 24, 2003 2:14 PM


what news of the man who stood wearing a white t-shirt by the window last
night?  have you been grounded?  i certainly hope not.  i had too good of a
time yesterday for you to be forbidden to leave your house (seriously.  you
were shining [full of laughs and smiles...hmmmmm]... delightful [not that
its painful to see you other times, its just that you were especially well
behaved yesterday]).

i really should stop walking into drew's house.  i did so this afternoon
and he was on the couch in his undies.  he was acting weird, so i guessed he
was probably masturbating or something.  how embarrassing?!

i'd better get back to work (painting day number seven).  it really
shouldn't take me this long.  is it morally wrong for a sister to fire her
brother?  i hope so.

...maybe i'll jump in the pool for a second before getting back to work...
yes, that would be nice.


p.s. i saw a man with a chihuahua in his overalls today at canadian tire.
no joke.  it would have made you laugh.  in fact, i laughed just for you (in
~if you desire peace of soul and happiness, then believe; if you would be a
disciple of truth, then inquire.~

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