From: "Mitchell"
To: "Abbey"
Subject: ahhhh's can be good, its all how you look at it (a little matter of perspective)
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 05:25:04 +0000
"Be a deer an be available on Wednesday, won't you?"
proceeding with caution.... what day does hunting season open? methinks it
isn't until september. have you ever seen photos/videos of those deer-type
animals that live in indochina and breathe with gills (maybe they don't
breathe with them, but they certainly have them). freaks me out. no joke.
i was thinking about that email i sent you last week. did it have the
mental diarhhea about how i refer to you on it (i.e.
lady/woman/girl/friend/......)? if so, then that was perhaps the greatest
email ever. boy, i sure wish i could have read a witty response to it (it
had soooo much bait in it for you).
why i am a wreck: i think i have a god-complex. what a pity. further, i
was recently called a nihilist by danielo paulo spanu. last week, someone
told me they regret the time they've known me (2.5 years). ...and i wonder
why i was so intrigued by the frogs that were stuck in the greenhouse
on the brightside: tonight my father informed me that they (both him and my
mom) love me. how nice (though it was in response to some self-deprecating
humour)? i also have good health. my job isn't too stressful. and i
generally regard myself as upbeat and chipper these days (even if a little
as you are a cowardly lion (i don't like the cowardly lion [and i thought
the tinman was creepy. the scarecrow was the frickin' best]), may i suggest
that we go out for dinner on wednesday? somewhere nice. somewhere good.
somewhere that has a vegetarian option. what do you think?
evidence of fascism (?): i have two pairs of leather shoes - a pair of doc
martens shoes that andrew merryweather gave me in grade eight that i
affectionately refer to as my 'old brown shoes' (like the beatle song and
which, remarkably, still fit me. weird) and a pair of doc marten boots that
i no longer wear, but still possess, from back in the days when i used to
curb-stomp anyone that i regarded as different than me (somewhere between
the time that katelyn ross began to corrupt my mind [grade twelve] and my
hanging-out-with-the-communists days [second year university, maybe?]).
only kidding - i didn't curb-stomp anyone that i regarded as different...
just people with underbites. still, i do not wear these shoes and purchased
them before i started caring about animals (who am i trying to kid? i don't
care about animals). so if you think it makes me sound more interesting (i
need all the help i can get), please tell people that i am an
environmentally-conscious individual. oh, and i also own a duster (all
cow-leather. very soft). its from my cowboy days (grade nine). i haven't
worn it in many many years (actually i've probably only worn it five or six
times altogether), but it still hangs in the closet two feet from where i'm
typing this email.
its bedtime.
~if you desire peace of soul and happiness, then believe; if you would be a
disciple of truth, then inquire.~
>From: "Abbey"
>To: Mitchell
>Subject: Re: a ridiculous email
>Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 12:07:09 -0500
From: "Mitchell"
To: "Abbey"
Subject: hmmm...grumble....ahhhh....grumble....growl....sigh
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 21:24:58 +0000
maybe i am available during those hours. we'll see. what, you already have
plans tonight? hmph. i might add that i am not booked (ha) at all tomorrow
(afternoon or evening - no class), but i suspect that you will be at the
beach. pity.
advice: try saving your emails just before you send them. this way if it
gets dumped, you'll have a back-up.
maybe i'll call you. hmmmm. that would save me from having to check my
emails (no one else emails me anymore... sigh) and would demonstrate my
capacity to initiate proper modes of communication.
mit chell
~if you desire peace of soul and happiness, then believe; if you would be a
disciple of truth, then inquire.~
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