December 01, 2003

7:45 am

how do you think i felt?  huh?  yes, it was because you ran to the toilet. 
not only that, though.  i heard sounds which sounded like someone blowing
out their ass ring (what i would describe as a "cracking" poo sound [i've
become accustomed to such sounds because of the spatial location of my
office - usually the people that hurry into the bathroom make this sound),
but i wasn't sure if that was you pooing or the sound of whatever you put in
the dryer tumbling.  it really disturbed me.  i wasn't sure what to say. 
shame on you for putting me in such a position.  i was mortified.

come by my office, please.



10:41 pm – some words are better than no words

 i knew you wouldn't show up at travis's.  you're not that nice, afterall. 
admittedly, i did watch for your car through the window for a while.  at one
point a car pulled into the parking lot with headlights similar to yours.  i
held my breath and was surprised to see you walk into travis's dressed up
like a thirty year old man, order coffee, then leave without saying,
"hello".  then i realized that it wasn't you at all, but rather just a
thirsty thirty year old man with somewhere to go.  my sigh was audible and
my fellow beverage drinkers heard me, looked at my table, and immediately
understood that i was waiting for someone who wasn't going to show up.  i
didn't stay until 10:00pm, as i said i would.  i couldn't stand waiting for
you not to come.

i truly hope that "tango bar" was worth my insatiable longing.


the disappointed

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