December 04, 2003

 don't know about your picture... i put all of them into that one envelope.
  maybe i wasn't as helpful as you thought... sigh.

too bad, cinderella.  there's always next year.  maybe then you can 'win'
some art.

arghhhh.  this stupid paper is making me mad.  i read it through for the
first time and it really makes no sense.  i didn't even know what i was
arguing.  my father read it through and was confused; i used "too many big
words."  this surprised me because i thought it could have been written by a
pre-schooler... or even worse: one of the students whose paper i am marking.
  did you know that there is such a thing as grad school snobbery towards
undergrads?  last year, i had a grad student inform me that she was a
special case because "most grad students wouldn't talk to an undergrad."  i
think that's completely ridiculous.  in fact, i wish i were still an
undergrad - there's less expectation.

anyways, i must return to the piece of turd known as my paper.

goodnight tide,
mitchell david

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