December 10, 2003

 nice colours.  my supper consisted of two buns, some veggie-deli meats, and
cheese.  that is all.  then again, i'm a man on the run.  last night, i
marked about four papers when i was with you.  tonight, i went to the
library with marsha and marked twenty-some papers.  my conclusion?  my
papers prefer to be marked when marsha is around.

i have to watch an exam until noon tomorrow.  what is on your agenda?  are
you going to see that film with me (after tomorrow, i think i should stop
seeing you for awhile, on account of your mother's sanity.  i feel like such
a home breaker)?

what did you tell randy?  is he accompanying us tomorrow?  i can't decide
if i'm jealous.  i'll talk to lupus and see if he thinks i should be.

i really want to go to bed because i'm tired, so this email is going to end

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