December 12, 2003

 i think that you have have mentioned your displeasure towards business, but
i could be wrong.  actually, i know you have and i share the same

what the hell have i done all day?  it seems like nothing.  i finished
marking finally.  i noticed that of the last 12 late papers i marked, 5
received 74% (and i didn't even plan that).  i also talked to a fellow
history nerd for a long time.  then i bought a few books.  wow, how
boring!?!  i'm going to apply for a $12000 fellowship.  i need at least a
3.75 gpa over the past two years (which i have, no thanks to you [B+]). 
aaaah.  that would be perfect.  $12000.  of course i won't get it, but at
least i can say i applied (which won't get me anything, either).  i wish, i
wish, i wish it were 4:30.  i feel like i'm forgetting something.  i'm going
to go work on a bibliography now.
i hope you had a good day.


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